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Telemann Ensemble Frankfurt

Professional musicans of the Telemann Ensemble FrankfurtThe professional musicians of the Telemann Ensemble Frankfurt - founded in 1995 - perform spirited and expressive interpretations at a high artistic level (cantatas, oratorios, instrumental music) project-related under the direction of Choirmaster Andreas Köhs.

Professional musicans of the Telemann Ensemble FrankfurtThe opportunity of playing modern or historical instruments according to occasion leads to the continuous strengthening of a repertoire of pleasing diversity. With its work the Ensemble wishes to contribute to commemorating Georg Philipp Telemann, City Music Director of Frankfurt from 1712 until 1721. 

Professional musicans of the Telemann Ensemble Frankfurt with Kurt Thomas Chamber Choir | Conductor Andreas Köhs

Professional musicans of the Telemann Ensemble Frankfurt with Kurt Thomas Chamber Choir | Conductor Andreas Köhs - Dreikönigskirche Frankfurt am Main


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